
View All odkaz Homepage Featured Collection

Přidá View All odkaz na domovskou stránku k Featured Collections


Přidá View All odkaz na domovskou stránku k Featured Collections

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This addon adds a link to all products from a given featured collection on homepage.
Many templates are missing this very important feature. They put the option to have a set of featured collections on the homepage with displaying several products, but if a customer wants to see more, he cannot just simply click a link, he has to find the collection in the menu. It is very annoying and you are losing many customers because of this.
Our addon solves this issue. It adds a View All (products) link to homepage to each featured collection. Exactly to that place where a customer would expect it to be so he/she can easily just click it and go to see more products of the same collection. Its natural, intuitive, easy and fast.

Instalaci provádíme my. Instalace je součástí ceny.

Tento addon byl vytvořen specificky pro stránku BuddhaTrends. Neváhejte tuto stránku navštívit a prohlédnout si, jak addon funguje naživo.

This Addon License is for 1 website only.
You are allowed to move your website with this addon to a new domain if you notify us about the transfer.
You are NOT allowed to use this addon on multiple websites (on more websites than the number of licenses of this addon that you bought), you have to buy a license of this addon for each site you want to use this addon on.


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View All odkaz Homepage Featured Collection

View All odkaz Homepage Featured Collection

Přidá View All odkaz na domovskou stránku k Featured Collections

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