Přesune všechny referraly od jednoho vybraného člena k druhému vybranému členu
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Přesune všechny referraly od jednoho vybraného člena k druhému vybranému členu
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You can move all referrals level 1 from one member to another (Move Referrals section).
You select from which account to which account.
All referrals of the selected member account will be moved to the other member's account.
Numbers of referrals are also updated at both sides.
You can also check referrals of selected member (See Referrals section). Amazing feature for quick check what referrals the member has or whats his/her new referral list after moving new referrals to his/her account.
You can also unassign all referrals of the selected member with this addon, set them to no referrer/sponsor. Simply select the ---Without Referrer--- option at Move To Member.
Instalaci provádíme my. Instalace je součástí ceny.
Všechny Aurora addony můžete vidět v akci na naší živé stránce BestAurora4U.com
Vytvořte si účet nebo použijte tento pro přihlášení do členské části:
username: demo
heslo: demodemo123
This Addon License is for 1 website only.
You are allowed to move your website with this addon to a new domain if you notify us about the transfer.
You are NOT allowed to use this addon on multiple websites (on more websites than the number of licenses of this addon that you bought), you have to buy a license of this addon for each site you want to use this addon on.
dead weight
some members decide they want to do something else after bringing in a bunch of members.
Which this feature you don't have to neglect them
Move them to a member that is heavily active on your site and reward them with a new team
Každý addon může být přizpůsoben vašim potřebám.
Kontaktujte nás a popište detailně své přání.
Pokud jste zde nenašli požadovaný addon, kontaktujte nás, můžeme pro vás addon vytvořit.