
Hra Klikni a vyhraj

Přidá hru Klikni a vyhraj na vaši stránku

Přidá hru Klikni a vyhraj na vaši stránku

More details


Just click and win every day! 50 prizes daily are given to winners that come first.

How It Works - Members Area:

1) A member will come to the game page and will see 1 from 3 possible images.
If the member did not win today yet and if there are still available prizes then the member sees "Click here to win" image and is allowed to click the image, page reloads and the member knows what he/she has won.
Entry will be added to the Table of Winners Today if the member won more than 0.
2) The image changes to "Prize claimed" image and stays that way for this member for the rest of the day till reset.
3) If all 50 prizes have been claimed today members will see "All prizes claimed for today" image.

The game resets every day. Members can win again the next day.

Admin Settings:

You can also reset the winners from admin anytime you want. Which makes space for more possible winners per day than 50. It will create a surprise moment for members because they would normally expect to win only after server reset.

In admin you can set values of 50 prizes. Prizes are given in the order you see on the page.
If you wish to give less prizes than 50 just leave the prize at 0. In that case those members that click the 0 prize will win 0 and will not display in the Winners Today table.

You can enable/disable the game in admin.
You can rename the game in admin.


There are 2 options:
- 1) You will create the images yourself. Then upload the 3 required images in the fields below and answer "No" in the other field below and select correct pack named "I will create images" at price.
- 2) If you wish I can create the images for you, in that case answer "Yes" in the field below and select the correct pack named "Create images for me" at price.

Product customization

After saving your customized product, remember to add it to your cart.
Allowed file formats are: GIF, JPG, PNG

* required fields


Instalaci provádíme my. Instalace je součástí ceny.

Všechny Aurora addony můžete vidět v akci na naší živé stránce

Vytvořte si účet nebo použijte tento pro přihlášení do členské části:
username: demo
heslo: demodemo123

This Addon License is for 1 website only.
You are allowed to move your website with this addon to a new domain if you notify us about the transfer.
You are NOT allowed to use this addon on multiple websites (on more websites than the number of licenses of this addon that you bought), you have to buy a license of this addon for each site you want to use this addon on.



Chips Reward

I love this addon helped me bring this to life as well as gave there input to help make it better.
Check out the live version at

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Hra Klikni a vyhraj

Hra Klikni a vyhraj

Přidá hru Klikni a vyhraj na vaši stránku

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