
Add X To Member

Add multiple things to member's account at once. E.g. cash, points, credits and more.


Add multiple things to member's account at once. E.g. cash, points, credits and more.

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Add multiple things to member's account at once.
E.g. cash, points, credits and more.

Why is this addon useful?
Saves your time.
Example: You want to add 12345 PTC credits and 52412 TE credits to member's account fast when he already has 65897 PTC credits and 53696 TE credits? You don't want to count it manually? This addon counts+adds it for you in 1 click!

Saves your memory.
You don't need to remember how much of things the member had in his account like when editing his account the standard way.

Saves your members from losses.
When editing the member's account there is a risk that the member would increase the value of things before you save your new values resulting in loosing whatever he gained since the time you loaded his account stats till you saved them. This addon prevents this situation to happen because it adds amount of things directly to the database values in that moment when you press Update.

Comes installed only. Installation included in price.

You can see all Aurora addons in action on our live site

Feel free to create an account or use this one for login to Front/Members:
username: demo
password: demodemo123

Basically any change to the default script that you see there is available for sale as an addon. Feel free to contact us if you need some addon that is not listed in this e-shop or a custom solution.

This Addon License is for 1 website only.
You are allowed to move your website with this addon to a new domain if you notify us about the transfer.
You are NOT allowed to use this addon on multiple websites (on more websites than the number of licenses of this addon that you bought), you have to buy a license of this addon for each site you want to use this addon on.



So Happy

OMG I just had to have this feature
No more of pen and paper copying everything down then crunching numbers and making sure I was correct

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Add X To Member

Add X To Member

Add multiple things to member's account at once. E.g. cash, points, credits and more.

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