
2 plovoucí čtvercové bannery na stránce napravo a nalevo

2 plovoucí cookie čtvercové bannery s možností zavřít objevující se každých 24 hodin

2 plovoucí cookie čtvercové bannery s možností zavřít objevující se každých 24 hodin

More details


Wanna have additional ads or images on your site which stand out but do not wanna break the design? Floating square banners are perfect for that!
Very popular feature!

Users can close the images by clicking on the close button. Banners will not appear again for next 24 hours for them. After 24 hours they appear again.
You can choose the time in hours when they appear again.
If you want different time than 24 hours please specify it in the field below.

You can place any image into the banner space or you can have any PPC network ads there.
You see AnonymousAds PPC network ads on the product images as an example.
Banners can have any dimensions.

Choose above at the price if you want both 2 banners or just one left or right.
Specify in the field below either which PPC network you want to use in the space or which images to use.
If you want your own images, upload the images below.
If you want PPC network ads, first create them in the PPC network admin and copy their code, then contact us and give us the code for these ads.
Attention: If you do not upload the images or you do not contact us, this addon cannot be installed.

In our example there are banners with dimensions 300x250px.
If you want different dimensions specify them in the field below.

We can place banners on bottom, top or middle of the page (any place). Default installation is at the bottom. Choose the position from dropdown menu.

Product customization

After saving your customized product, remember to add it to your cart.
Allowed file formats are: GIF, JPG, PNG

* required fields


Instalaci provádíme my. Instalace je součástí ceny.

Všechny Referral Expert addony můžete vidět v akci na naší živé stránce

Vytvořte si účet nebo použijte tento pro přihlášení do členské části:
username: demo
heslo: demodemo123

This Addon License is for 1 website only.
You are allowed to move your website with this addon to a new domain if you notify us about the transfer.
You are NOT allowed to use this addon on multiple websites (on more websites than the number of licenses of this addon that you bought), you have to buy a license of this addon for each site you want to use this addon on.


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Napsat recenzi

2 plovoucí čtvercové bannery na stránce napravo a nalevo

2 plovoucí čtvercové bannery na stránce napravo a nalevo

2 plovoucí cookie čtvercové bannery s možností zavřít objevující se každých 24 hodin

30 other products in the same category

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