
Týdenní výplatní maximum

Limituje členy v tom, kolik mohou vybrat za daný čas

Limituje členy v tom, kolik mohou vybrat za daný čas

More details


Limit members on how much they are allowed to cash out per set time, eg. weekly, monthly, yearly etc. - per any time period you choose!

There are 2 versions of this addon:
1) Global payout maximum per member:
- sum of cashouts from all cashout methods goes into 1 pool
- resets at server time
- Example: Member cashed out $40 with Paypal and $50 with Perfectmoney, limit is $100 for all methods, member can cashout $10 more either with PayPal OR Perfectmoney

2) Payout maximum per cashout method per member
- sum of cashouts is per cashout method
- does not reset at server time, it counts sum of withdrawals per last week (7 days) or month etc.
- Example: Member cashed out $40 with Paypal and $50 with Perfectmoney, limit is $100 for all methods, member can cashout $60 more with PayPal AND $50 more with Perfectmoney

Different cash out maximums for standard and premium members.
Does not count cancelled requests into the sum of cashouts.
Fees are included in the sum of cashouts.

If you need different combination of features or different settings please contact us.

Instalaci provádíme my. Instalace je součástí ceny.

Všechny Aurora addony můžete vidět v akci na naší živé stránce

Vytvořte si účet nebo použijte tento pro přihlášení do členské části:
username: demo
heslo: demodemo123

This Addon License is for 1 website only.
You are allowed to move your website with this addon to a new domain if you notify us about the transfer.
You are NOT allowed to use this addon on multiple websites (on more websites than the number of licenses of this addon that you bought), you have to buy a license of this addon for each site you want to use this addon on.


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Napsat recenzi

Týdenní výplatní maximum

Týdenní výplatní maximum

Limituje členy v tom, kolik mohou vybrat za daný čas

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